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What is Power of Attorney and when would I use it?
What is Power of Attorney and when would I use it?
A power of attorney is a legal process that enables a customer to designate one or more individuals, known as attorneys, to act on their behalf in the event that they become unable to manage their financial affairs.
In order to create a power of attorney, the customer must have the mental capacity to do so. This can typically be done with the assistance of a solicitor or through the government's website. It is also necessary to register the power of attorney with the Office of the Public Guardian prior to its use with humm. More information on this process can be obtained by visiting: https://www.gov.uk/power-of-attorney
If you are a humm customer and intend to give someone power of attorney, or if you already have power of attorney for a humm customer, please let us know by getting in touch by clicking here
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