*Please refer to the merchants terms and conditions on their page
Visit a humm retailer website, add your items to your shopping cart, click checkout.
If humm is an available checkout option, you’ll be directed to our purchase page to complete your purchase.
(Note: You can not part pay online.)
Ensure your total purchase is equal to or less than your approved amount.
Once you are logged in, follow the steps to complete a purchase.
Have your mobile ready as you will need to provide your humm acceptance code to complete the purchase.
If you do not have an approval, you will need to apply for before going in-store.
Visit any humm retailer store.
At the checkout tell the store assistant you would like to pay with humm. You can use your full approval or part pay with humm.
The store assistant will help you complete the process.
Visit a humm retailer website, add your items to your shopping cart, click checkout.
If humm is an available checkout option, you’ll be directed to our purchase page to complete your purchase.
(Note: You can not part pay online.)
Ensure your total purchase is equal to or less than your approved amount.
Once you are logged in, follow the steps to complete a purchase.
Have your mobile ready as you will need to provide your humm acceptance code to complete the purchase.
If you do not have an approval, you will need to apply for before going in-store.
Visit any humm retailer store.
At the checkout tell the store assistant you would like to pay with humm. You can use your full approval or part pay with humm.
The store assistant will help you complete the process.