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My Customer portal question’s
My Customer portal question’s
1. I want to log in to my Customer portal.
You can only log into your customer portal after you’ve made your first purchase with humm.
Please visit myaccount.humm.ie to log in with your email address as the username and the password you choose.
If you’re still having difficulty, please ensure that you’re using the email address (used at the time of application) and the password you choose. If your password is not recognised, you can request a reset by selecting Forgot your password? and follow the instructions. Ensure to check your Spam/Junk folder if the reset email has not been received.
2. I want to change my payment card
Once you’re logged into your customer portal, your contracts will be listed beginning with the reference LAI...
To change your payment card, click on the contract you wish to change, then select Change Card details. Please note the card is related to each agreement individually. so you will need to repeat the process for each contract.
For your security, you may be prompted to re-directed to complete the Strong Customer Authentication (3D secure) process by your card company.
3. My card was lost/stolen, and a payment is due
If you’ve missed a payment due to your card being lost/stolen, please change the card as above. Then follow the instructions in the next section to make the due payment.
If you have an upcoming payment and need to move the payment date please contact our support team at contactus@shophumm.com at least 24 hours of the due date to have this amended.
4. I want to make a payment to my account
Once you’re logged into your customer portal, your contracts will be listed beginning with the reference LAI...
Select the contract you wish to make a payment on by clicking the account number (starts with LAI...) and then select Make a One off Payment. Once you’ve selected the amount you wish to pay, it will be taken from the card registered to that contract or choose the link to pay with a different card - the link is found under the one off payment button.
Your Bank may require you to authenticate the payment via your mobile banking. Please note that this payment will be taken from the balance of your loan and regular payments will still be taken on the agreed date.
5. I want to check the balance and payment dates on my account
Once you’re logged into your customer portal, your contracts will be listed beginning with the reference LAI...
The balance outstanding on each contract will be listed under the balance outstanding column.
To view payment history click the account number then select Send Statement. You will then be emailed a full repayment history statement for that contract.
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