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Can I pay off my humm agreement early?
Can I pay off my humm agreement early?
Yes, you can pay off your humm Agreement early without any additional fees or charges.
The outstanding balance required to fully repay the agreement will be shown for each contract in the
customer portal. Your contract will be automatically closed when the payment has been applied to your
contract and no further payments will be taken.
You can make Additional payments at any time, by logging in to your online customer portal, clicking on
your agreement number starting LAI-00, and click “Make Manual Payment”.
• Additional payments are applied to reduce the outstanding balance.
• Do not replace the scheduled contractual payment which will be processed on the due date
unless the outstanding balance has been fully repaid.
• A request can be made by email to request the monthly payments are recalculated to take
account of any manual payment which has reduced but not cleared the balance. Repayments
will be recalculated over the remaining term of the loan.
You can make an Early payment of a scheduled repayment.
• Payment advice must be provided by email at least 24 hours in advance, Monday to Friday, of the
scheduled repayment date and the amount of the early payment must be at least equal to the
scheduled repayment, including the account keeping fee.
• If advance notice is not provided the scheduled repayment will be attempted on the due date.
• Early payments do not reduce the overall number of scheduled contractual payments.
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